Форум "Мы - вместе!"

Форум "Мы - вместе!" (http://forum.ihope.ru/index.php)
-   We are together! (http://forum.ihope.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=56)
-   -   A board for everyone (http://forum.ihope.ru/showthread.php?t=631)

Informer 04.11.2005 00:33

A board for everyone
Hello to everybody! As you see, a new section has appeared on these boards. This is due to the expansion of the Club. Of course everybody is free to post messages on it. On one condition - they should be written in English (later I believe we will manage to create a Spanish and French sections). We will invite native speakers from all over the world in order to share our experience - to socialize! So, the section has opened! WELCOME!

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